A Founder's Guide: Corkscrew Development
Written Jan, 2022. Published Jan, 2022.
This document acts as a journal entry of sorts, that describes Amol’s miscellaneous thoughts on project management and how to prioritize speed vs quality.
Generally, the process of creating a change looks something like:
def build_feature(feature):
app = build_app()
while not app.has(feature):
app = build_app()
return app
You can incorporate code review (and privacy review, security review, etc.) and testing into this process, obviously:
def build_feature(feature):
app = build_app
while (not app.has(feature) and
not passes_review(app) and
not passes_tests(app)):
app = build_app()
return app
Inside many organizations, the feature process is embedded in an even larger technical process that spans beyond the engineers. It might look something like:
while True:
feedback = get_customer_feedback(users)
selected_feature = prioritize_features(feedback)
app = build_feature(selected_feature)
media = publicize_feature(app)
users = get_users(media)
From the top down view, when looking at any individual change, this is a circular process.

But we don't want to just keep going in a circle! We want to make forward progress! More than that, we want exponential growth!
Programming is all about building reusable pieces that can be combined in new ways. These reusable pieces provide compounding value, measured in time saved. Automating a process that needs to be done thousands of times provides more value than automating a process that needs to be done a few times. Building a library that gets used everywhere is more valuable than building an example that gets used once. And so on. Every piece of code ever written can provide compounding value.
This is something that is unique about programming, that many other domains do not have. A biologist running an experiment can't easily 'reuse' components from previous runs. A manufacturer can't easily plug-and-play assembly line pieces. In many other fields, special tools or processes need to be developed outside the usual development cycle to create reusable components. Not so in programming. The very act of development produces something that can be used again.

There are steps you can take to increase the amount of compound value code will provide. Code that is well written, well documented, and has a clean interface is more likely to be reused – not just by you, but also by other people. Going a step further, code that is easily packaged into a binary that requires no technical knowledge to run is, potentially, even more valuable. These steps increase the number of people who can or will actually use that code later. The more people who can use your code, the more likely it will be reused, the more its compounding value.
At a startup, time is literally money. The more time things take, the more runway you burn, the closer you get to shutting down the shop. So doing things that can save time is incredibly important. And this should start early. Compounding has a multiplicative effect – if you build strong foundations early on, those pay off far into the future repeatedly.
Time Horizons
"The graveyard of startups is littered with immaculate codebases." – Will Stockwell
There are a few basic things you can do – like running an automatic linter – that will reduce development time and make your code more reusable. But in general, doing things the 'right' reusable way will almost always take more time than not. No free lunch.
If you had infinite time, you would want to make every piece of code as reusable as possible because it would compound infinitely. But you don't have infinite time. This means that you need to be very conscious about the time horizons for your development. If a piece of code is going to take a really long time to get right, you need to consider how frequently you are going to reuse it, over what time frame. In the extreme case, where your startup doesn't have product market fit, you might be throwing out virtually everything you wrote and starting from scratch.
Prioritizing Quality and Speed: A Formula You Shouldnt Use
A very smart person once said: if it's worth doing it's worth doing with made up statistics. So let's try and put some made up (but common sense) numbers to understand how much polish someone might need to put on code. First let's think of a few factors that might go into the decision.- T, how much time code could 'live' for (measured in days).
- N, the number of times (per day) the code will be reused. Is this a one-off experiment, or is this a core library function?
- R, how much time is saved for a single person (in days) by making the code more reusable, compared to writing the same code as fast/hacky as possible.
- P, how many people need to use the code. If a lot of people need to use the code, or at least have to read it, then it's probably worth running some code formatters.
- D, the difficulty of the proposed quality increase (measured in days taken to implement). Running automatic formatters and static code analyzers is easy. Redefining an entire API is a bit harder.
- V, the amount of value generated by having the code available earlier. If something is blocking a ton of engineers, or if there is a major bug that is disrupting clients, getting the code out ASAP takes precedence over usability.
If T * N * R * P > D * V then you should spend the time to make the code more usable.
A lot of these numbers are surprisingly easy to evaluate, or at least to bound. For upper bounds, T could be until money-runs-out-day for the company, while P is approximately the size of your engineering team. For a lower bound, R is easily approximated as 'the time it took to write the code'. D is a bit trickier to handle. Here are some common values I might use for an average change/refactor:
Proposed Change | D days |
Formatting | 0.0000001 (~0) |
Linting | 0.005 (~7min) |
Writing docs (design, README, etc) | 0.25 - 3 |
Creating a CLI utility/interface | 0.25 - 5 |
Writing (and Passing) Tests | 0.5 - 5 |
Code Review | 0.5 - ??? |
Thoughtful System Architecture | 1 - ??? |
N and V (and in more abstract cases, R) are trickier because there is more guesswork. Some heuristics that I generally use:
- If you don't know whether a feature/piece of code is going to be useful or even work, V is very high because we may not even need that code.
- The more foundational something is, the higher N and R are. Broadly speaking, code written early in the company is more foundational, so is more likely to have higher N/R values.
- Devops (e.g. kubernetes setup, AWS configuration, terraform, CI/CD) in particular have super high N/R values. If you set up your scripts and configs correctly once, every future interaction with every part of your codebase will benefit. At a microscale, this applies to things like setting up development environments, like formatting-on-save or syntax highlighting.
- System architecture implementations tradeoff high N/R for high V. You basically need to decide on a case-by-case basis whether the amount of time it takes to implement well is worth blocking the system from getting off the ground.
I don't expect anyone to ever actually put numbers to every programming decision. If you ever actually do this, you're probably not spending your time very efficiently. But thinking through this process once might help build intuition for what things are valuable when.
Implications and Takeaways
This was a relatively unfocused write up, but I think there's some interesting nuggets.
It seems pretty obvious to me that all code should be linted and formatted at minimum. It's automatic, it has basically no cost, and it has pretty significant compounding value. Documentation is pretty close behind. It's maybe not the case that every piece of code needs documentation, but something as simple as a README could be a step-function increase in the amount of reusability. I suspect that writing some documentation for a command line utility is more impactful than writing like five similar utilities without any docs.
Corkscrew development impacts prioritization. Code compounds based on how long it is around for. Doing things that have high compounding value early on is strictly better. By the same token, everything has super high compounding value in the first few months of a startup, so building for the future is paramount early on. Obviously contrary to the 'go fast and break things' mantra.
Corkscrew development also impacts how code is written. If you know that your code has to be reusable from the beginning, you'll develop with a different mindset. I think that the hallmarks of corkscrew-focused development are good definitions for API boundaries (which demarcate 'black boxest'), lots of modularity, interpretable function/variable naming, and lots of patterns to match to.
Even if a full feature may not be super reusable, individual pieces may be highly reusable. It is critical to identify these places during development/code review.
Often, the simplest thing to increase code reusability is just telling other people it exists! Having a robust indexing and search system combined with cultural norms around where certain pieces of code 'go' can help reuse tremendously.
A lot of these lines of thinking apply to the general startup process. Doing things like having a team glossary or building a culture of transparent Q&A can pay off pretty high dividends over time. The end goal is to build a repository of knowledge that can feed into future knowledge building. If you are siloed, or throwing away development artifacts, or not sharing your work, you aren't accessing any of the multipliers necessary to turn a startup into a rocketship.