A Founder's Guide: Organizations as Systems
Written February, 2023. Published May, 2023.
Be like the Venetian Arsenal
I want to preface this by pointing out that I am not, traditionally, a systems engineer. That title/role is a pretty specific one, meaningfully different from my past experiences as a SWE. That said, over the last two years I have spent a lot of time thinking about complex computer programs that can support a user-facing platform at scale. So I might not know the latest terminology, and I might be reinventing the wheel, but I figure I've picked up a thing or two worth sharing when it comes to building systems.
First, a bit of history. Systems engineering far predates anything that could be meaningfully recognized as modern day computer science. The original use of the term can be traced back to Bell Labs, where it was originally used to describe the telecom network. But some of the principles of systems engineering go back farther – Ford factories in the early 1900s, Carnegie railroads and Rockefeller oil in the 1800s. My personal favorite is the Venetian Arsenal, a massive ship building enterprise that, in the 1400s, was the world's first industrial factory.

At it's height, the Venetian Arsenal could pump out a new warship every day. The equivalent process would take competing world powers 6 months. The Arsenal made Venice, a city of only 100k people, the most powerful naval force in the Mediterranean and possibly the world.
Telecoms, manufacturing, transport, energy, shipbuilding – all of these 'systems' faced the same underlying problem: "what is the optimal way to leverage a set of non-fungible resources to solve a set of non-fungible tasks?"
In my mind, system design is the act of defining a set of related components, their communication channels, and their inputs/outputs, in order to solve that resource allocation problem. Because inputs to the system may vary significantly, it is often necessary for functional systems to define a structure that is easy to adapt to changing requirements, while being relatively resilient to unexpected failure (including, inevitably, human error).
Core Values in a Good System
Every system is different, but good systems tend to embody a few core values:
Failure is inevitable. Long-lived systems tend to assume that failure will happen eventually, and as a result have comprehensive fallbacks. These systems are designed to avoid single points of failure, so that no one piece of the system can take down the entire thing.
Parallelization is good. The more things that can happen at the same time, the faster the system can operate and the more throughput it can manage. The same set of tasks can be done faster, and costs can easily be measured by compute resources that can be quickly dialed up or down. Parallelization tends to reduce the surface area for failures. This is because a parallel system abstracts what (code is being run) from where (that code is being run). If there is a failure related to the where, we can easily recover by shifting the task load to another part of the system.
A necessary corollary is that sequential operations are bad. A sequential operation forces parts of the system to wait on some other part. This incurs wait time, which tends to be wasted or, at the least, used inefficiently. Where possible, we want the components of our system to avoid direct dependencies.
Async is good. An async system has components that can operate independently of each other, on their own time frames. To accomplish this, asynchronous modules collocate all of the dependencies necessary to perform an atomically useful task. Async modules require async communication – a byproduct of an asynchronous system is a framework that emphasizes few messages packed with necessary information, instead of many small updates. All of this tends to result in fewer single points of failure; and such a system is more easily parallelized, with lower scheduling overhead. Because an async module cannot necessarily rely on responses from other modules, each individual module also tends to be more independent, more easily understood, and more reusable.
Standardized parts are good. Every layer of the system should be composed of plug-and-play building blocks that are in turn reusable and opinionated. The process of creating the parts should be mostly separated from the process of putting them together. Separating and standardizing components makes a system more legible, because understanding a piece of code in one area of the system can help provide context for other areas of the system. It also enables flexibility and better extensibility – with standardized components, it is far easier to work at higher levels of abstraction.
Externalizing information is good. Complex systems are, by their very nature, difficult to fully understand. Some systems may reach a size where complete understanding is impossible for a single human. At this scale, communication between various components is critical so that the system remains legible upon inspection. In computer systems, this often manifests in two ways:
- logs. Lots and lots of logs. Good, queryable system logs make it easy to track down bugs, head off failures, and optimize efficiently.
- modules over-exposing information such that future modules can ingest that data, potentially without any knowledge of what the rest of the system needs to know (see: pub/sub). Such an architecture provides natural hooks for future extensibility.
And so on. Many systems I've worked with, studied, or implemented have other things in common – for example, Unix philosophy 'do one thing well' shows up a lot – but from a values perspective I think the above four principles are pretty solid. A system that:
- prepares for failure,
- prioritizes parallelization,
- incorporates asynchronous processes,
- and externalizes information
is likely to be a robust, flexible, long-lived solution to the problem being solved.

Pictured: one of the hallmarks of a good system.
Human Resources
At the top, I said that all systems are trying to answer the same question: "what is the optimal way to leverage a set of non-fungible resources to solve a set of non-fungible tasks?"
Not to put too fine a point on it: this is the same problem that faces every business in the world. Given a fixed set of resources (employee hours), how can we { build the product, respond to customer feedback, build our community, … }. Turns out, there's a few things we can learn from the systems engineering principles above.
The throughline is simple: empower the individual. A good human system is one where individual people are able to quickly and accurately make important decisions about how to best accomplish their tasks within the larger organization. This allows them to act asynchronously and in parallel, almost by default.

Given how most people talk about HR departments, my guess is they are not great at empowering individuals.
Below is a nonexhaustive list of tactics I've picked up over the years, that we use at SOOT to make everything run smoothly.
Within a team:
- There should be specific procedures in place to ingest, prioritize, and distribute tasks to the broader team. Individual people within the team should understand a) what tasks are available in what priority; b) how to 'take' a task such that no one else is working on it; c) how to report task completion. To parallelize efficiently, we want to avoid questions like 'what should I work on next'.
- Related: ensure that responsiblilities are clearly defined. There should never be a question about who is responsible for a task. Each task should have one designated leader for whom responsibility rolls up to. This ensures that there is no duplication of effort; it also ensures that people cannot hide behind uncertainty.
- As a general rule, hire generalists (pun unintended). A generalist can take on a wider range of tasks, and is capable of parallelizing more easily even if they take longer to complete specific sub-tasks. The natural computing equivalent is choice of server – sometimes you do need a GPU Accelerator for something really specific, but the bulk of your work is going to be done on standard CPU machines.
- Have a culture of documenting and sharing everything. Create a glossary early on, so that there is a lingua franca. Have a way to search through past documents, and hook up all of your platforms to the same search tool. Make sure that any additional information can be easily acquired without having to ask another person, thereby avoiding sequential blockers. Have procedures in place for documenting question-answers for those cases where the existing tooling fails or some piece of knowledge is not institutionally known. Encourage the team to 'log' loudly on (slack, email) when things aren't going as expected.
- Communicate new changes frequently. Have a meta-process (like code review) that a) requires at least one other person on the team to be aware of a change and b) specifically evaluates how discoverable and comprehensible the change is. Randomly surface old ideas, concepts, changes to increase discoverability.
- Avoid interruptions and interrupting. Focus on asynchronous methods of communication, like email, instead of synchronous messaging like slack or meetings. Ensure that your asynchronous communication actually contains all of the relevant information, such that it can meaningfully remain asynchronous. (See: On Code Review for more)
- Create and follow patterns. Set and reuse templates, use the same naming conventions, avoid 'uniqueness' where possible. Try and design a world where people can guess what information they need and where they can find it from previous observations alone.
Between teams:
- Collocate decision making authority so that a team can operate without needing to wait for other teams.
- All teams should communicate regularly using a pub/sub model. Each team should, on some regular interval (no more than monthly), publish anything relevant about the team; and all other teams should, on some regular interval, take stock of the most recent 'publications' from other teams to inform their own internal agenda.
- Make sure all documentation within a team is available to other teams by default. Allow other folks from other teams to 'subscribe' to updates by joining groups, slack channels, etc.
- Treat individuals as a separate abstraction from teams. Allow individuals to move between teams freely; allocate employee hours based on team priority, instead of isolating resources to specific teams. (However, be sure to account for context shift and onboarding costs when moving folks across team boundaries. )
- Ensure dependencies across teams (where they are unavoidable) are based on milestones instead of timelines. Only start working on a project when the necessary inputs are available; do not pre-deploy resources expecting a certain output from another team, as this creates unnecessary dependencies.
And remember: failure is inevitable. Assume that people will miscommunicate. Assume that information will be lost to the ether. Look for ways to protect against these things by having a culture of over-communicating and over-documenting.
"A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street." — Doug Linder
— Programming Wisdom (@CodeWisdom) March 3, 2020
This guy gets it.
One huge caveat
All of the above only works in a high trust organization.
Imagine a system where you have a set of trusted computers behind the same firewall -- if you know they will all behave, you can reduce systemic complexity by lowering monitoring and security costs.
The same applies for individuals. Empowering individuals in a team necessarily means that you trust those individuals to make good decisions, and you can let them operate without constant oversight. If you don't trust your team, you will need to add additional layers of complexity to ensure that they are doing what you expect them to do. For SOOT, a deep tech company that is solving some pretty gnarly technical problems, we avoided this problem by ensuring our hiring funnel was extremely rigorous. For a company that is doing something more basic, like a CRUD app, it may be worth having lower individual autonomy in exchange for cheaper hiring.